I'm not sure what it would be to have a conversation with someone who really believed that there was no such thing as the Soul. (The Self with a capital "S", the Transcendental Ego, the Cogito, etc.) This is what Kierkegaard means when he says that God and I have no common language.
Because I can say - honestly - that I don't believe in the Soul, in free will, in a part of myself that is not subject to the totality of physical laws exerting themselves upon my body, but this is different from believing it. This is different from acting as if it were true that were no ghost in my body, as if there were no autonomous mind that considers and reflects, as if I could not be held responsible for my actions because there was no such thing as an "I" that could be held responsible! What would that sort of human being look like? Is such a creature even possible? (Kant, clearly, would say no human could be.)
Related to this is the inability to conceive of the natural world as being anything other than one governed by natural laws, laws that are constant, can be predicted, and can be understood (articulated) to humans. (I am thinking specifically here of Newton's Three Laws of Motion, but this applies equally to the laws of gravity, of causality, of velocity, or of any other kind of mechanism that explains.) I can say that all of these laws are human fabrications, that they are inherently inaccurate anthropomorphisms - metaphors that say that something is precisely what it is not - but then I could not make sense any longer of my own activity, of my doings, my comings and goings. (Doesn't my waiting for the bus at 8:51 am show my belief in the objectivity of time? Don't I show my faith in buoyancy when I do not doubt how that yacht can glide across Lake Michigan? Don't I place my plants by the windowsill because I understand the natural phenomenon of photosynthesis?)
"So what you're saying is that the Universe is essentially chaotic, that humans are constantly deceiving themselves by ascribing to it rules and laws that it naturally abhors. Nature - you claim - is mere anarchy." No, not at all. "Then you're saying that what count as 'truths' - even truths as hard as scientific ones - are nothing more than what the community agrees to call true, that the Universe, so to speak, is more democracy than dictatorship." No, of course not. You can see the world as just, or you can see the world as unjust. Or you can see the world as nothing at all. (And therein lies the difficulty.)
I'm not sure what it would be to have a conversation with someone who really believed that there was no such thing as the Soul. (The Self with a capital "S", the Transcendental Ego, the Cogito, etc.) This is what Kierkegaard means when he says that God and I have no common language.
Because I can say - honestly - that I don't believe in the Soul, in free will, in a part of myself that is not subject to the totality of physical laws exerting themselves upon my body, but this is different from believing it. This is different from acting as if it were true that were no ghost in my body, as if there were no autonomous mind that considers and reflects, as if I could not be held responsible for my actions because there was no such thing as an "I" that could be held responsible! What would that sort of human being look like? Is such a creature even possible? (Kant, clearly, would say no human could be.)
Related to this is the inability to conceive of the natural world as being anything other than one governed by natural laws, laws that are constant, can be predicted, and can be understood (articulated) to humans. (I am thinking specifically here of Newton's Three Laws of Motion, but this applies equally to the laws of gravity, of causality, of velocity, or of any other kind of mechanism that explains.) I can say that all of these laws are human fabrications, that they are inherently inaccurate anthropomorphisms - metaphors that say that something is precisely what it is not - but then I could not make sense any longer of my own activity, of my doings, my comings and goings. (Doesn't my waiting for the bus at 8:51 am show my belief in the objectivity of time? Don't I show my faith in buoyancy when I do not doubt how that yacht can glide across Lake Michigan? Don't I place my plants by the windowsill because I understand the natural phenomenon of photosynthesis?)
"So what you're saying is that the Universe is essentially chaotic, that humans are constantly deceiving themselves by ascribing to it rules and laws that it naturally abhors. Nature - you claim - is mere anarchy." No, not at all. "Then you're saying that what count as 'truths' - even truths as hard as scientific ones - are nothing more than what the community agrees to call true, that the Universe, so to speak, is more democracy than dictatorship." No, of course not. You can see the world as just, or you can see the world as unjust. Or you can see the world as nothing at all. (And therein lies the difficulty.)
متخصصون في مظلات السيارات - مظلات المسابح -مظلات المدارس مظلات الساحات - هناجر حديد - سواتر شرائح- سواتر مجدول - سواتر اقمشه - سواتر جدارية - شبوك زراعيه - وتشييد جميع انواع المظلات والسواتر الخشبيه (فيمكو) بجوده عاليه
متخصصون فى تركيب مظلات الشد الانشائي وهي أفضل نوعية مظلات تناسب المرافق والمؤسسات الخدمية
من الإضافات الأساسية التى يبحث عنها أصحاب السيارات دائمًا حيث توفر مظلة السيارة تركيب مظلات السيارات المزيد من الخصوصية لسيارتك بالإضافة إلي حماية السيارة من الحرارة
تركيب سواتر خشب بلاستيكي-أرخص اسعار سواتر المنازل
متخصصون فى تركيب وبناء هناجر ومستودعات لجميع الأغراض الخاصة بالمؤسسات والمنازل مع مراعاة الإهتمام بعمل العزل المناسب لمنع تلف الهنجر ومحتوياته مع الإهتمام بعمل الإضاة والتهوية المناسبة بحيث تكون التهوية على السقف.
أرخص اسعار سواتر ومظلات لكل أنواع الخامات الخشبية القماشية والحديدية والمعدنية تجدها لدينا فى مؤسسة مظلات وسواتر القحطاني.
الفرن الحراري ودهانات الابوكسي للمضلات مع امكانيه عمل المظلات شد براغي او توصيل لحام حسب رغبة العميل
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